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So Every BODY Can Move: Washington Update 2/10/25

Updated: 3 days ago

Thank you for staying with us on our journey with So Every BODY Can Move Washington! As we approach our hearings tomorrow, we are in the final stages of gathering support for our bill. We urge you to keep filling out the action alert and register your support for SB 5629 and HB 1669.

Here's how you can take action without needing to travel to Olympia:

1. Fill Out the Action Alert Campaign:

Spend just two minutes to complete our Action Alert Campaign. By filling out the provided link, you can contact your legislators and committee members to express your support for HB 1669 and SB 5629. Simply share your address, and it will automatically find your legislators. The drafted letter is ready for you, but adding a personal note about why this matters to you would make a big difference.

2. Sign-In Support for Public Hearings:

  • Select the Health & Long Term Care committee and the date – 02/11/25 at 10:30 AM.

  • Choose SB 5629, which addresses prosthetic limb coverage.

  • Indicate that "I would like your position noted for the legislative record."

  • State your position as PRO.

  • Provide your first and last names, email address, home address, and phone number. For your organization, please spell out So Every BODY Can Move.

  • Confirm that you are not a robot.

  • Click Submit Registration.

  • Select the Health Care & Wellness committee and the date – 02/11/25 at 1:30 PM.

  • Choose HB 1669, concerning prosthetic limb coverage.

  • Indicate that "I would like your position noted for the legislative record."

  • State your position as PRO.

  • Provide your first and last names, email address, home address, and phone number. For your organization, please spell out So Every BODY Can Move.

  • Confirm that you are not a robot.

  • Click Submit Registration.

HB1669 and SB5629 So Every BODY Can Move


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